*****به خود بنگريم، به اطرافمان، به خود بيانديشيم، به اطرافمان، توجيه‌گريها و فلسفه بافيها، شك و ترديدها، يأس و نااميديها را كنار بگذاريم، تصميم بگيريم، برخيزيم و حركت كنيم. هر جا كه هستيم، در هر سن و سالي، با هر عقيده و ديني... بياييم قبل از آنكه عالِم باشيم، دانشمند باشيم، مخترع و كاشف باشيم، تاجر و كاسب باشيم، كارگر و كارمند باشيم، سياستمدار و سياستگذار باشيم،...، انسان باشيم، انسان باشيم، انسان باشيم*****

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Calling People for truths...

In the name of God, the Compassionate the Merciful
say : O followers of the Book ! come to an equitable proposition between us and you that we shall not serve any but Allah and "that" we shall not associate aught with Him, and "that" some of us shall not take olhers for lords besides Allah; but if they turn back, Then say : Bear witness that we are Muslims. (Koran. 3-64)
God expediently sends prophets on mission to make humankind understand three points.
First, to help them recognize the world creator as well as remind them the sole, Matchless one who created entity through His Knowledge, authority and power. They also were to remove from the people any sort of doubt, any from of dualism and sacrilege stirring them toward "the Sole One worship".
Second, to make people aware of the Day of Reckoning; That any kind of deeds shall be made up in its own way and recorded, even if its a bit until every body is called for the divine judgement "The Resurrection Day & corporal awakeness".
Third, to encourage people in doing good deeds, observing philanthropism and fraternity, Keeping peace and social security, on one hand, and making them beware of hostility, rights trampling and injustice, aggression and dishonored acts and killing and looting, on the other hand.
Considering the messengers' history and temporal-locate situations in which they are delegated__especially that of the Ololazm* ones__disregarding the pre-induced opinions, it'll be seen whenever the three aforesaid tenets fall into oblivion, God sends His messenger to help them__those who have forgotten their Creator, who have considered real or legal objects and individuals as , who have determined an inter-medium, who are far away from final consequences of their deeds, who have forgotten the Day of Judgement, or, think of it as an old myth and something for-fetched, and finally helping those who are along way far from humanity, benevolence and good behaviour and lable their nasty acts with rightousness__come to Sense, inviting them to worship "the only One", reminding them the Last Hour, restoring humanity through expression of divine laws and sowing the seeds of salvation, equanimity and the two world security among people.
The mission of Abraham, Noah, Saleh, Hood, Lout, Jonah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad and the other prophest (peace be upon them) has been based on the Three mentioned axes.
They were neither touting__advertising their goods-nor were they in persuit of popularity, power, monopoly or wealth; They were but divine messengers and those who were specifying laws and limits and, gerenally, expressing the principles for people in diverse forms and languages; The targets were not just then people, but later descendants in all eras.
But for another time, some forgetfuls, materialists and totalitarianists trampling over the divine laws, as the time passes, and considering pure instructions of prophets as barriers, interpret them willfully, deviating (misleading) people from the three tenets through manipulating divine laws, mandates and spreading cheatful superstitions and finally turn the faith of spritual development, equanimity and liberality into shackes of absolutism and exploitation and using it as a tool to fool gullible mankind; They, thereby, make people engaged in petty activities,bloodshed, tribalism, grouping, false fightings, vain discussions, absurd thoughts and sciences, futile loves and feuds, ineffective cries and prays, fancy foes and unreasoned laughs so that it results in waging a universal war.
Nations renounce the three princioles while proceeding toward out-dated tales, old wreckages and spoiled bones. cleared off the books and appeared in form of "words and polytheism" in society; in form of classes, sects and tribes. Each of the existing sects and schools as__reformists, religious ones, Zionists, on one side, and shiite, sunnite sub-factions, on the other side,__considered itself as the right, true religion while thinking of others as false, polytheist ones; Each pieced its specific strings of stories together, presented its miracle, wrote its book, issued its mandate versified its epics about prodigies, set up its innovations and attributed it, directly or indirectly, to God in order to prove its reality & rightousness people were 'torn' into pieces each of which an oily bite, soft and digestible to the Pharaohs and Nimruds; Those who were not namely "Pharaoh and Nimrud", but of the same customs and habits.
And Now, we live in similar age when momotheism has been replaced by different forms of polytheism and profanity; These two 'tendencies' have penetrated so deeply into our bodies and spirits that, like prophets' contemporary factions, bearing no doubt, we think of them as real salvation and monotheism. We are not a ware of our deeds' consequenses and consider the Last Day among childlike tales, Fraternity & friendship, honesty and sincerity, trusteeship and respect to others, benevolence and philanthropsism, tender and cooperation, peace and intimacy, self-sacrifice and self-denial, sympathising with fellow kind and helping him, humbleness and generousity have lost color within diverse communities being replaced by hostility, lying, treachery and aggression, hypocricy and roguery, formalism and disrespect, malevolence and crime, fighting, looting and bloodshed, insolence and unmanliness, repression and exploitation. Nowadays, we are more badly in shortage of pure divine knowledgesthan ever.
Lets, thus, set aside all that woeds, superstitions, innovations, futile discussions, baseless disagreements, groopings and factionisms and harp at the divine string paying attention to Moses'Ten Instructions, listening to the Jesus'enlivening admonitions, Mohammad's eternal Koran and, infact harping at Abraham's Honest faith.
Lets, praise no 'god' but the only creator of the world; Not to ask for but His assistance and not to put a medium in between.
Lets dedicate ourselves to Him and obey His instructions.
Lets, think of our ultimate acts and be sure that even the tiniest ones are recorded, verified and affect our lives in both worlds.
Lets, abstain from nasty deeds and put humanity clothes on.
God sent His last messenger 1400 and more years ago and not any other one follows him. Then, we should instigate an uprisal through praying to God for help, away from false imaginations and sect's impurities, seeking salvation and saving our societies.
Abdolhamid Masoumi Tehrani
*.Prophets (5 ones): Noah, Abraham, Moses, Christ and Mohammad.

Monday, January 29, 2007

There is No Suppression of Religion or Faith in a Secular Society

Religion in a Secular Society: What Place or Role can Religion Have?
By Austin Cline

If secularism opposes the public support of religion or the presence of ecclesiastical authorities simultaneously exercising public authority, what role is left for religion in a secular society? Is religion doomed to a slow decline and attrition? Is it relegated to a web of quaint but unimportant cultural traditions? Such are the fears of opponents to secularism and secularization who argue that religion is too important to be eliminated in such a manner and blame atheists for their woes.

A word of caution is important here when it comes to terminology. One frequently hears or reads about secularists seeking the restriction of religion to "private" life and getting it out of "public" life — a position which gives people the impression that secularists don't want anyone ever talking about religion in public again. Although some secularists may harbor such feelings, this interpretation relies upon the fact that the public/private distinction has more than one meaning.

For secularists, they do not mean it in the same sense that a person's financial situation should remain private rather that becoming public knowledge. Instead, they are using "public" in the sense of "maintained for or used by the people or community." Thus, the desire to have religion removed from "public life" involves removing it not from public view but from public (read: government) support. The desire for religion to be made private involves not keeping it secret but keeping it a personal, voluntary endeavor.

We can see, then, that there is nothing about the process of secularization or a philosophy of secularism which requires the demise of religion. Secularists themselves are quite divided in their evaluations of religion and what role they think religion should have in society. Many are adamant in their belief that religion does more harm than good and they do hope that it will eventually disappear. Many others, however, are happy for it to retain a role in the social and moral lives of believers. Some secularists even support religious charities in their social efforts for the relief of poverty and suffering.

If religion withers in a secular society — and such a fate is entirely possible — the blame cannot be laid directly at the feet of secularism and secularization. They can only be held accountable for creating the conditions for the actual cause: people's disinterest in religion. In a non-secular society, people have little chance to ignore or get away from religion. Everywhere they go, either ecclesiastical authorities have some power over them or the principles of some particular religion are used as a basis to control their lives.

In a secular society, however, escape from domination by religion and religious leaders is possible. No one is beholden to any religious organization or religious values unless they specifically choose to be. If enough people choose not to be associated with religion, then religious organizations will decline due to decreases in income and membership.

Religious leaders are surely justified in lamenting such a possibility, but by opposing secularism and secularization, they make two errors. First, they place responsibility for such a predicament in the wrong place. Instead of attacking secularism for allowing people the chance to ignore religion, they should instead take a closer look at why they might be worth ignoring.

Second, any attempt to attack secularism essentially admits that they are unable to maintain people's interest and support on a purely individual, private, and voluntary basis. This may indeed be true, but it is a devastating thing to acknowledge — yet religious leaders who attack secularism don't seem to understand what it means. For some reason, they fail to realize that publicly supported and/or enforced religion is ultimately worthless. If they really believe that that is the only way that religion can survive, then they admit that religion itself is worthless — and that validates the secularist position that religion simply isn't necessary for the public good.

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