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Friday, November 18, 2005

What is Islam religion?

In the name of God, The Compassinate, The merciful
Praise be to God and Greeting to all prophets and messengers.
The word of “Islam” has used by people, groups and governments in different times .
In current era also this word nearly uses in all of the world . The word of “Islam” is explains collection of the ideas and the commands of God, that we have them in form of “Book and Tradition”. Why this word and collection has different definitions or contrast ?
In this meeting the writer intends to discuss about this word and God-willing in another meeting he will speak about areas and details of it .
What is the meaning of “Islam”?
The word of “Islam” is the infinitive of “Efall” verbs that its root is “Salama”, it has different meanings in Arabic language, but among its meanings which be used here is the meaning of healthiness, submition and giving up, due to this meaning if the roots of “Islam” is “healthiness and correctness” its meaning is to be healthy and to be correct, if its root is submition that meaning is to be obey and obedience and if its root is givingup, its meaning is to be give up, for this reason the word of Islam means : to be healthy and to be correct of mind, idea and soul by obeying, submitting and giving up the commands and orders of God, this is the comprehensive meaning that it has chosen from some Quranic verses for Islam. The aforementioned definition is meaning of Islam.
What is Islam religion?
Now the religion of Islam has a special definition. When told you: Islam, designed in your mind Saudi Arabia, Mohammad, Koran and historical events of 1400 years ago, in fact this definition has stabilized among religious scholars, so the religion of Islam means Arabic religion in which mohammad has been raised up in mecca in 1400 years ago and has stabilized it.
This definition has been chosen from historical events, cultural, racial and ethnical but it don’t introduce mohammad to founder the religion of Islam, but according to some verses its founder is Abraham, (1) (2) even he called himself to guidance by God in the straight path and in fact harping at Abraham’s honest faith . (3)
Therefore in the view point of Koran Islam hasn’t limited to one custom, according to this theory Islam is a verb that indicates the acts and behavior .
Moslem is fael noun of Efall verbs, it means that; someone with will and satisfaction withoutpredestination has yield to commands of god, this word in Koran except for Arabs and some who had beliefed to custom of Mohammad has named to another persons, for example; Koran to be called Moslem the children of Jacob because they dedicated themselves to Him and obeyed his cammands and apostles said to Jesus : we beliefed to god and to bear witness that our Moslems. (4)(5) Koran to be named Moslem the Jews, Christians, Zoroastrian and the followers of Mohammad (6)Islam has three main principle that who dose belief to it Moslem.
First, Monothism means The sole One worship, Second, believe in the Resurrection Day and Third, to encourage people in doing good deeds means Philanthrophism. These three tenets to be called the principle of faith. Religiouns scholars said :these tendencies are against with opinipn of Koran.
The three main principles are common among all of the religious. In the religion of jews the commands is (7) and in the religion of Christians has said thes principles in the Matthias Good-News and it also was exist in the Zoroastrianism, some who believed in which their prophet was not real and the religion of Zoroaster is a trrestrial not heavenly some verses existed in avesta , for example the sole one worship (Ahora . Mazda) who is superior of all creature (8) He has the just arbiter (9) The sole god who is with self-wise power created the truth always is same and dosen’t change (10). Furthermore about Hear-after and The Resurrection Day have many verses, like this verse : promising reward in paradise of Mazda , Homan and esha will awarded to them for doing any kind good-deeds. (11)
Many modern beliefs of Iranian has been resulted of Zoroastrianim. [Be refer Polytheist book ].
Religion is common among all of the creation, but their languages are different.
Each tribes Praying god with one language; Arabs said: Allah, persions Alvahim inall cases its meaning is the same, so the basis of Islam has been basedon the three mentioned axes that Prophets expressing them for mankind in diverse forms and language and their targets were not just then people , but later descendants in all eras.
In other verse He said: If some one was been chosen another religion , it didn,t accept him and any Person has been the followers of Abraham tobesalva ted. (12)
Why the religion of Islam has limited to one custom ? And why exists many diverse ideas ? This discition has many different reasons in which the writer will state a summary of it .
Absolutism custom
The first reason that has been caused we have many religione, exists in Absolutism custom among the followers of it. Religions have same tenets that are Monotheism, believe in The Resurrection Day and Philanthropism, but each sects and groups have special Customs (rites) whereby they can shows their servitude (e.x: the form of praying among them are different), Unfortunately the followers of religion absoluted their habits and also to be denied the customs of another sect, the aforesaid cases to been called the Branches of faith. In Islamic theological center doesn’t any discussion about principels when theological students enter to it, they learned the litrature of Arab in first step and then to be understand those three tendencies.
This attitudes has been in the mission of Mohammad between Jews and Christians in Arabia.
He was remove of people any sort of doubt, any form of dualism and make them aware of the Hear after, paradise and Hell.
The Jwes of Maddineh were not agree with Mohammad because He hasn’t do the acts of them, this idea had been Absolutism custom. God has down the verse for the Jews and Christs that they were absoluted their customs and attributed it to Abraham.
He said: Abraham was neither the custom of Jews nor the custom of Christ, He was only a pure Moslem.(13)
God expediently sends prophets on mission to make humankind understand the pnincipel of faith not to be taken them to Absolutism custom. In spite of these speech the prophet, Book and devotional language of the followers of Mohammad was common, they Just have quarrel in branches and nobody paying attention to it. (e.x: Get ready for praying God, Hajj rites, marriage-Divorce). The verse existsin koran that it is very important, let’s look at it; obelievers of the Book! Come to an equitable proposition between us and you that we shall not serve any but God and we shall not associate aught with Him, in continues said: that some of us shall take others for lords besides Allah (14) In this verse the mearing of lord is master, in Arabic language Rabb means owner, sir, reformer, the word Rabb in konan uses for God.
What is the meaning of <ارباباً من دون الله >? its mean the masters that didn’t call themselves God, even shall not associate aught with Him, they are only deputier for people so the meaning of this section is land you shall not accept every person the deputier or authorities from God. There fore, in all religions the principle of faith is more important than the brandes one.
2-Believein to being tampered the Torah and Good-News Books.
The second reason is related to Holy Books (Torah and Good-News), religious scholars to be believed that these Books have been al tered, they say: Torah and Good-News were not the Books of Moses and Jesus that had brought them, we read in historical events, Torah has disappeared for attacks of some tribes suchas Babylons, Romans, then has been collected. This Book made the base of the Jews on one side and some sect of Christs on the other side, it hasn’t written then by Azra in the year of 444(B.C).
Historical religious scholars due to Good-News Litrature said: it has been compiled in first and second century (A.D).
With briefview in the history of written the holy books can prove its alteration.
This subject is very important that you know, Mohammad has been raised up to prophet in 612 or 613 (A.D) and last time that Torah has been re-written in the year of 444 (B.C), from that history to the mission of Mohammad was ab, ut 1055 years and as such time Torah has been re-written by Azra and among Jews recognized to Holy Books.
In the mission of Mohammad the creed of christs had conquered the European continent, some areas of Asia some Africans contrys suchas Abyssinian and Good-news Book among christs (to be al terated or not) organized the base of this creed.
When did this alteration happen?
Before the mission of Mohammad or after His decease?
If they were alterated before His mission, God any thing say in koran and he has criticized the Jews and christs because they didn’t observed the commands of God, also refused some verses and said to them: in the view point of religion, you are worthless unless obeying the instructions of Goog-News (15). On the another place said: Torah is a complete book to word the soul and thought of A Real Human and toward the mercy and guidance to all creature (16).
The verse is in koran that many persons paying at tention to it, in this verse said: one who wrote book and said, God sent down (17)
First, the nature of this verse is the Telmood Book [Telmood Book describes problems of the Jews] second, this verse is the unque news against of many verses in which they has con firmed the Torah and Good-News, third, it doesn’t depend on these books.
If its alterations has being after dead of Mohammad, logically this theorv isn’t true, because in the mission of Him, their religions and the Holy Book with any forms had confirmed among them and noperson can not manipulating to it. Such claims are only absurd fanaticisms, even to be use for koran. In O,sool-e-cafi (18) to talce averse from sadeg(A.S), He said: The koran that Gabriel has brought for Mohammad, have been 17000 verse, and now in ourage, Koran has 6660 verse (If in the name of God in each sura has a verse) whereupon of this tradition, has been stolen about 11000 verse and nobody understand it.
3-The Koran Book is abrogating the ancient Books.
The third reason has been causesd to be limited Islam to special meaning and custom.
The Islamic scholars said: The last and most perfect heaveniy Book is Koran, so the ancient Books have any validity.
Firstly, what is the meaning of ancient Books that Koran has abrogated them? (The alteration Books or the stolenone) If Torah and Good-News don’t have any validity; why we think of saviour of the end of time will been shows the stolen Holy Books to people. Secondly, These ideas has been resulted from which verse.
There isn’t any verse in Koran that it has fall into oblivion the validity of ancient Holy Books. [In Koran, He has not denied the Jews and Christian on one hand and according to some verse the only reason that God has sent Mohammad in which He tobe confirmed the Torah and Good-News heavonly Books.
If He said: Torah and Good-News were correct and then said: my koran has disappeared the validity of these Books (This speech is false). Mohammad in His mission era didn’t request them to desisted of their religions and believed in to His custom (because they had the followers of Abraham before the mission of Mohammad.20)
Besides He has expected of them that they confirmed His custom and Book, to be helped Him against in the attacks of polytheists, so that they were being the followers of Abraham, according to aforesaid reasons the Jews and Christs (resident in Arabia) has taken the absolutism custom, and didn’t assist Him (at last fighted with him) furthermore those fights being continue without any corret logic and reason, so Koran dosen’t abrogating the ancient Books and It has follow them.
4- The absolutism custom of racial and nation.
The most fundamental and important reason that has caused Islam exclusive to one custom, is the absolutism custom of racial and nation.
This attitudes belong to most nations and tribes, for instance; old Iranian called themselves the race of Arya [Arya in ancient persion litrature was sir and Master] or some of American Indian have a story about their race; they said: God for created Adam made four statue with mud and placed them in oven, in few moments He brought out one of those and see it wasn’t cooked well, for this reason called them Whites, after minutes brought out another one and see its color little changed but it was not cooked well so called them Yellow, for the third time He brought out another statue and see completely cooked, its color was very beautiful, therefore called them Indian Red, finally God forgot to brought out the fourth statue and that ones been burnt so called them Blacks.
This story is myth and has been selected from the oriental ideas but denoted those tendencies and racial absolutism.
Jews said: we are the children of God, our race is the best in world or even Zerman said: my race is the master of all creatures, these opinions are false and indicates the absolutism racial and nation.
At last the religion of Islam between Jews and Christs converted to racial, inherent habits and useless rites.
Mohammad has raised up in environment that existed many problems and He tried to established the unique nation, Fraternity & friendship, honesty and sincerity during His mission, the policy of Mohammad in era shown this realities also He was intended to replaced merits and competence.
The best confirmer of history is the primary events of Islam. You recognized Balal, he was the followers of Mohammad that polytheists of Mecca have tortured him but didn’t retreat of his belief when the religion of Islam was settled in Madineh the extreme responsibility that prophet gave to him had Muezzin of Mosque (one who calls people to prayer) in other side, Kaled the son of valid (he had been one of the stronger enemies of Moslems in which in Ohod war was caused Moslems defeated) when he believed in Islam in seven Hegira year at once Mohammad gave him the commands of Moslems army and also has been sent on to the war commission.
This behavior shown the prophet of Islam has paying attention to merit and competence not to tribe of people and their belief because for doing the social, political and military duties was need to these abilities.
The prophet of Islam had not succed to disappeard the prejudices because many times the Moslems of Maddineh [Ansar: some who lived in Maddineh, Mohajerin: some who emigarated to Maddineh ] encountered disputes, the most important event that proved the speech of writer, it was the problem of Saqifeh the son of Saedeh (the place in which to been counseled it) Mohammad dead after 23 years of his mission, at once Ansar were collected in Saqifeh for choose Kalifeh that Mohajerin to be awared of this gathering and entered to Saqifeh (because they frightened in which Ansar selected Kalifeh among themselves and to swear allegiance whit him), their criterion for choosing Kalifeh was superiority in Islam, battle for God and the affinities with Mohammad. The skill and merit wasn’t important for them. Even Ameerul Momineen (A.S) said: we are the generation of Mohammad and you have certainly known that I am the most rightful of all others for the Caliphate. In general Mohammad has not succed to disappear the prejudices of Arab even among His family.
There isn’t any logically reason for conquerness of Moslem in the Abobakr and Omar era.
These fightings has resulted from superiorities and absolutism of Arabs.
Apparently the attacks of Arabs to different countries has not for promotion the religion of Islam but their purpose had advertised the culture of Arab to another nations, besides this when they conquerd anyplace, to be change the religion, custom, language and culture. Now most countries that you recognized them to the name of Arabs, never been Arabs such as Egypt, Morocco, Libya, Sudan, even Iranian and Turkish didn’t protect from this offense, but Iranian has retained their culture and language, additionally Iran in the member of Islamic countries, yet dosen’t belonging to Arab countries. (Iran that had belonging to Sasanian era have including parts of Afghanistan, Pakestan, Azarbaejan, Armanestan, Torkamanestan and Iraq) these aforesaid countries were Moslems but not Arabs.
Furthermore these attacks and conquests of Arabs have caused that the religion of Islam (specially among Moslems) turned to the religion of Sword and Fatalism, and you see that on the flag of Soudi Arabia has been written the word God is Unique and Mohammad is the Messenger of God) and under it exist the form a Sword, what is your purpose about it?
The result of this argument is that the religion of Islam has the unique religion whit different custom and rites like Jews, Christendom and Arabs that we called them Islam.

1: The Family of Imran Sura(67)
2: The Cow Sura(131)
3: The Cattle Sura (161)
4: The Cow Sura (133)
5:The Family of Imran (52)
6: The Story Sura (52)
7: Torah, Exit Book, Part 20
8: Yasna (28)
9: Yasna (4-29)
10: Yasna (7-31)
11: Yasna (10-30)
12, 13, 14: The Family of Imran(85-67-64)
15: The Tabble Sura (68)
16: The Cattle Sura (154)
17: The Cow Sura (79)
18: The Osool Kafi Book (The forth Cover, 3582)
19: The Cow, The Family of Imran, The Tabble and the Fater Sura (97-3-48-31-19)
20: The Tabble Sura (43)