*****به خود بنگريم، به اطرافمان، به خود بيانديشيم، به اطرافمان، توجيه‌گريها و فلسفه بافيها، شك و ترديدها، يأس و نااميديها را كنار بگذاريم، تصميم بگيريم، برخيزيم و حركت كنيم. هر جا كه هستيم، در هر سن و سالي، با هر عقيده و ديني... بياييم قبل از آنكه عالِم باشيم، دانشمند باشيم، مخترع و كاشف باشيم، تاجر و كاسب باشيم، كارگر و كارمند باشيم، سياستمدار و سياستگذار باشيم،...، انسان باشيم، انسان باشيم، انسان باشيم*****

Friday, January 28, 2005

Mr. Mehdi Bahman, Illumination of Torah, Psalm and GoodNews Books

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Attention of peace

In the name of GOD, The compassionate, The merciful.
In the name of GOD,"THE unique GOD", who this world has been created with the science, option and power of him. The unique GOD who does not have any partner, associate, companion, representative, proxy, successor or replacement. Lordship and sovereignty that each national or ethnical knows and reads him with a different. Ahouramazda, Elim, Elwahim, Yahovah, Allah, Brahman, etc.
Brotherhood, friendship, mercy, compassion, cooperation, peace, serenity, sincerity, cordiality, relaxation, personal and social security have been the permanent, constant and ancient desires of the human being in the length of time or duration of the history. The excessive demanding human being, self-superior seer or self-conceited superior, self-correct seer and self-just or fair, have contaminated or involved themselves in the bloodshed of their own mankind and human being many times under the means of nationalities, races, religions, faiths, creeds of right, truth and else. Otherwise they have showed, pretended and accounted the encroachments, injustices, oppressions and cruelty, war and their own bloodshed exactly under the name of the morality, legitimacy, justice and equity.
In these crimes, bloodshed, killing fellow creature of the same of race or another homogeneous, the masters and holders of the money, power, dissimulation and guile have had axial or pivotal role or part, in the duration of history by making nationality, race, religion and faith as a tool or instrument. Sometimes they have appeared themselves in peace and friendship, by slogans and mottoes to hide their belief on the animosity, enmity, hatred and sect or ethnical fanaticism amongst the nations, for deviation of the thoughts and ideas.
This ominous and sinister tradition has been continued generation in generation until now.
Have not been Zoroaster the good, excellent axis and benevolent prophet of ancient Iran killed by the niggard and miser masters and owners of the money, power and dissimulation, with the weapon and of nationality and religion? Have not been the children of Israel or Jews, taken as captive or enslaved and forced as labors or up aid labors with the superior race slogans? Have not the Eramian people have killed their prophet by the weapon of religion in a pit of mud and clay? Have not been Jesus Christ, crossed to protect and support of the Moses religious laws? Have not been in the medieval ages, the men, women, children, scientists and many thinkers killed or burned alive into the fire by becoming the Christ and Mosaic's religion to an instrument? Have not power believers and government lovers, killed many people with their swords with their Islamic slogans? Has not been Hussein, grandchild of the prophet of Islam beheaded in not humanistic method of killing in the name of Islamic religious laws? Have not been millions of old, young and children killed in the name of superior race in the First and Second World War? Are not they killing now our homogeneous with the excuse and pretext of nationality, race, religion and faith clandestinely or openly? Prejudices or fanaticism, self-great seeing, self-right seeing and self-absolute or independent seeing of national, racial, religious and faith has created and imposed much more hardships, troubles, disasters to the human being. The humanity history papers have been or would be blackened.
Now that the human being could discover many secrets of the nature conquer and capture the space, and with the abundance of the scientific and industrial achievements, we should believe this earthy world would be changed to a small village.
Isn't it the right time to leave from these fanaticism, prejudices, self-made hatred, revengeful and avenging of national, racial, religious, faith actions and also leave accusing and impeaching each other? And instead of boasting and priding to our nationality, race, religion and faith, it is better to honor to our humanity and being a noble human being of us.
Isn't it the time to act to the holy books or scriptures and the prophet's religious laws and divine law and some of the peacemakers or reformists whom the ethnical and tribal prejudices have not been imposed over their viewpoints?
Their exalted and eminent meanings and the understandings for acknowledgement and prove of ourselves not to be used and do not change their meanings for the excommunication and accuse of heresy of others.
Don't you think that the right time has reached to refuse those traders of money, power and dissimulation, superstitions distributors and the innovators and heretics who using nationality, race, religion and faith as a tool want us to be enemy against each other and bleed each other's blood on the ground with the feeling of quietness? We should refuse and cease them.
Peace, friendship, corporation and agreement, tranquility, repose, the individual or social security in which is permanent and constant in the world will not be certain and verified unless the mankind leaves all self-superior seeing, self-right seeing, self-absolute seeing of national, racial, religious and faith from himself and refers to his humanistic or philanthropy nature, also acts to the way of holy books and the prophet religious laws and peacemakers as they were and they are and doesn't explain and interpret of these way for his own acknowledgement and sanctification or excommunication and accuse of heresy and demolition of other people. Considering nationality, race, and his own religion mankind should only looks to the other as humankind to his values or his honoring, nothing else.
Therefore now that the mankind has entered the third millenium I advise all the brothers and sisters all over the world to leave the hostility and prejudices of national, racial and religious, to be honored to the humankind and humanity apart from and irrespective the creed and belief or credence faith tendencies and inclinations of religious and national and racial citizenship or allegiance, to the peaceful coexistence, friendly and honorably of the mankind societies in spite of differences of believes and thoughts, attention to the humanistic common affairs and keep aloof from and avoid and refrain from the absolute and inclination and independent searching of belief, culture, nation and race, on the basis and according to the following the holy books and scriptures-which are all remaining God's promises-, not to follow the superstitions, innovations or whimsical, chimerical, innovators and traders of money, power and dissimulation, to move toward the constant peace in the world, coexistence, philanthropy, to avoid from encroachment, injustice, aggression, war and bloodshed and killing the or homogeneous especially with the religious, racial, cultural and national tools, to create a monotheism world-GOD who create all worth to the mankind just for his humanistic and not because of race or kind of worship or prayer.
And with the condition that I am a Moslem and follower of the holy book of Koran in spite of the general tradition among the follower artists of the each religion only write and decorate their sacred book, and in order to show the rightness and correctness of my talks and invitations, I write and decorate the Persian translation of the holy book of Mosaic law in the style of Islamic and Iranian artists-5 volume of Old Testament-which is one of the basic and sacred books of Judaism and Christianity are as a symbol of leaving prejudices and honor to other opinions and other religions with the honesty and trustee in text of the translation by the association of the holy book of Iran printed in 1987 and with the observance of the Judaism and Christianity religious laws, and with the favor of GOD in spite of difficulties and hardship or shortage of severe financial problems, without any kind of material and spiritual helping from the real or legal persons internal or foreign, after passing three years of writing this important book, in the first day of 2001 it was finished and now the pages of this valuable book with the effort and endeavor of some of my cooperators with the special method and style are in the process of illumination and gilding.
This spiritual and valuable literary book in which has been written in Farsi language and has been decorated with the style of Islamic artists will be offered and presented to all of my brothers and sisters from any race, nationality, religion, faith and language, especially to my Jewish and Christian as a clear proof to honoring the mankind, altruism, philanthropy, humanity, peace and sincerely in spite of difficulties of believes, thoughts and cultures and I invite everyone from every race, nationality, religion throughout the world to be my cooperate and support in order to perform the ancient desire of the mankind which indeed is being comfort, having individual or social security and getting in touch with constant peace.
This book is not any kind of propaganda or delivering of any message or acknowledgement of any religion or faith but only hoping that this book causes to create a kind of incentive and motivation for more investigation and survey of our thoughts and actions and also causes avoiding our self-correct seeing, self-superior seeing, self-right seeing and in one term avoiding our own absolute seeing from the view of religions, thoughts or cultures to be found the start point to join of the hearts of all human being all over the world in this new century.
Best regards and may GOD bless you
21 / June / 2001
Abdolhamid Massoumi Tehrani

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Specifications of Torah Book

Dimension : 44 X57 .
The number of page : 590 sheet (All page has been Illumination and gold filled)
Language : Persian ( Translation of Iranlan holy Books association in 1987) .
Calligraphist : Abdolhamid Maasoumi Tehrani .
Decorated by : Mehdi Bahman .
The amount of gold : 15000 leaf gold (24-carat gold .
Date of commence activities : 17 / August / 1997 .
Date of finish : 1 / January / 2001

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Torah, Picture's

Two first Page of Torah Book

Two first Page of Numbers Book

Two first Page of Exist Book

Two first page of Existence Book