*****به خود بنگريم، به اطرافمان، به خود بيانديشيم، به اطرافمان، توجيه‌گريها و فلسفه بافيها، شك و ترديدها، يأس و نااميديها را كنار بگذاريم، تصميم بگيريم، برخيزيم و حركت كنيم. هر جا كه هستيم، در هر سن و سالي، با هر عقيده و ديني... بياييم قبل از آنكه عالِم باشيم، دانشمند باشيم، مخترع و كاشف باشيم، تاجر و كاسب باشيم، كارگر و كارمند باشيم، سياستمدار و سياستگذار باشيم،...، انسان باشيم، انسان باشيم، انسان باشيم*****

Monday, August 14, 2006

The letter to ...

Dear U.S.A. Ambassador to Turkey,

The carrier of this letter, Mr. .................., has carried a transcript of the book of Psalms of David, so that he could offer this precious book to his Excellency, as a symbol of friendship between the two nations, Iranians and Americans, and a proof of pacifism and respect for all Nations and religions, and as a gift from the great nation of Iran.

The calligraphy of this precious book is done by Prof. AbdolHamid Masoumi Tehrani, and its inlay is done by Prof. Mehdi Bahman. This excellent work, which is written in both Farsi and Hebrew, is totally 570 pages that are all adorned with gold. The amount of Gold used in this book is 5000 sheets of 24-carat gold. This book, in the statement that a copy of it is attached, has been presented as a gift to families, relatives, and friends of all victims of terrorist attacks, specially the victims of September 11 tragedy.

Unfortunately, since the issuance of that statement, the current government of Iran and some clergies of Quom has been attacking this book; and in different ways, they have tried to destroy it. It has been a while that they have also threatened the calligraphist of this book with death, and requested the annihilation of this book. (a copy of the statement, that has been issued as response to the threatening, is also attached.)

Protecting and preserving this book, Mission Group of Peace for All has gone through lots of difficulties, until now, that we have just been able to transfer it to out of the country, so that the carrier of this letter can deliver it to you.

This precious book, which is a Persian artistic work, and brings the massage of pacifism, respect for other religions, and disagreement with the current adventurous regime of Iran, is presented as a gift, from all Iranians who fight for freedom, to the nation of America and all other nations of the world.

This gift is only from the nation of Iran and all Iranians who fight for freedom, and has no relationship, what so ever, with the current regime of Iran.

Therefore, we request that you accept this gift from the nation of Iran, and then transfer it to the American Library of Congress or wherever you think it is appropriate.

Please consider the fact that there may by Islamic hardliners and Iranian intelligence agents in Turkey who, if the existence of this book is made known to them, will threaten the safety of this book and its carrier. Therefore, we request to provide, if possible, the accommodations of the safety of this artistic work and its carrier.

We sincerely appreciate your cooperation.

Central Office
The Mission Group of Peace for All