*****به خود بنگريم، به اطرافمان، به خود بيانديشيم، به اطرافمان، توجيه‌گريها و فلسفه بافيها، شك و ترديدها، يأس و نااميديها را كنار بگذاريم، تصميم بگيريم، برخيزيم و حركت كنيم. هر جا كه هستيم، در هر سن و سالي، با هر عقيده و ديني... بياييم قبل از آنكه عالِم باشيم، دانشمند باشيم، مخترع و كاشف باشيم، تاجر و كاسب باشيم، كارگر و كارمند باشيم، سياستمدار و سياستگذار باشيم،...، انسان باشيم، انسان باشيم، انسان باشيم*****

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Human is a responsible being. Being committed toward his creator, his body, soul and thought, toward his behavior, fellow kind, his community and environment, 'man' was attributed "the most honorable creature".
As such responsibilities convert to carelessness and indifference, there will emerge egoism, egotism, superiority seeking, totalitarinism, repression and tyranny, aggressions, and the like.
Lets look at 'the' ourselves, our sorroundings, at far distances; Lets see how progress in science and industry has taken spacial distances away, turning the world into a small hamlet. But, our hearts diverge more and more the day after day. Love, friendship, succouring and humanity, in one word, disappears gradually and loses its nature even in the books. Lets look, understand and feel well.
We breathe in an atmosphere infetched with pessimism, distrust, cruelty and heedlessness which have made our spirits poisoned as well as causing us to be some moving dead bodies devoid of any feeling and apathy.
Lets look at 'the' ourselves, our surroundings; Think about ourselves, our environment, justifications, philosophy-weavings and suspicions. Lets renounce despaire and decide to move.
Each of us, of any age or idia wherever lives, try to be "human"; "A Real Human", before becoming a learned man, scholar, inventor, trader, worker, employee or a politician.